
Granada is located on the Western coast of Lake Nicaragua. It’s full of beautiful cathedrals, architecture, volcanos and mini islands.

The town itself is beautiful, with streets full of open markets; vegetables, fruits, sweet breads, toiletries, birds(?) (lots of live birds), and most everything else you could think of.

The church scene was beautiful, upon the arrival of the hostel I stayed in which was beautiful as well (with a great pool, hammocks galore, rocking chairs, a full kitchen, more fans than you can imagine, FREE all you can eat pancakes (don’t eat more than 3 or you’ll regret it) and much more) … the sweet hostess gave out maps of the top 5 cathedrals in town.

Side note: Church vs Cathedrals

A church is typically a Christian house of worship, while a cathedral is a church which is the site of a bishop for churches that have them. Churches are anywhere and typically have one priest and one mass, while Cathedrals are located in cities, have many pastures, and several masses throughout the week. Here are some of the Beauts I visited..

At one of the *Cathedrals we visited after many many attempts to do such we met a man from the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua who came for tree seeds to plant and grow lumber to make and sell furniture. With the proceeds from furniture, buy and grow rice and other foods along with helping a local orphanage. He from what I understood couldn’t find the seeds he was looking for and the other seeds he desired he was ban to buy because of his origin.

Soccer was uplifting and most fun I had in this town. As I went for a walk with my good Ol’ friends Oscar and Ailish, we saw a handful of kids playing soccer in a run down, full of water blacktop court near the lake. Little did the kids know, we would take their invite to play (in a dress). We met up with older, (less hood, more experienced soccer players the following day as well which was a great workout but my hearts still with the hood kids wearing their fathers crocks and long Johns).

Janel showed up in Granada, with eager eyes and a mind set on volcanos, monkeys and partying. So.. despite the hurricane or “tropical storm” that’s exactly what we did.

Taking a boat on a scenic hour tour around hundreds of mini islands, some housing single mansions, some housing a few trees, we road around until we found the monkeys that were calling to Jays heart. Here we fed a few monkeys and got to watch them jump and swing from tree to tree.

Overall fun town but don’t need more than 4-6 days.

Las Piñatas

Las Piñatas or turtle island was a blast. It was also a blast to get there.. Leaving Leon and splitting a cab with a random NYer I met while leaving my hostel was great.. that cab took us to one beach where I stay the night it was pretty uneventful until the morning came and I found a cow on the beach while walking…

After that, I started off to Surfing Turtle lodge which was only about; a mile walk down the street (which a lovely local picked me up while hitch hiking in the 97 degree weather and a giant back pack) (*thank you again Edwardo, the 6 year old riding in the back of a pick up truck), then a 20 min boat ride, to a 20 min horse and buggie ride, 5 min walk and boom! Made it!

I can’t complain tho, some of my travel friends had to hike the whole way because water levels were low and a boat couldn’t make it.

Anyway, made it to the beautiful beach where I was able to relax, practice some yoga, play some taboo, ping pong and most exciting release baby turtles and ride some crazy fucking horses.

So about the horses… they were nuts. The guy asked if I have experience with horses I told him not that much, then he had me get off the original horse and on a crazy one.. long story short I was terrified, fully galloping down the beach shore with a crazy wild horse.

After about 40 min he decided we were going to go back to the hostel area where he eats their plants, when I tried to guide him otherwise he nearly bucked me off.. needless to say I got off him, gave him back to the owner who was laughing and said I did good and hopped on Ailishs horse for a little bit.

This time of year is turtle season, which means locals run up and down the beach looking for mother turtles to steal their eggs after they lay them in a hole on the beach. They do this to sell them to 1. Restaurants 2. Local markets 3. Hostels. Hostels like the Surfing turtle (who have a local that stays and works there called Senior Turtle) buys the eggs and re burrows them, 18 inches in the sand in a narrow hole that opens into a circle bottom (hand dug). After that he marks where they are, how many, and the date and after about 40 days these little guys pop up and he brings them over to the beach shore and let’s them go!

They take quite some time to get into the water, but, this is when they find their grounds and GPS because when they are old enough to have baby turtles themselves, they’ll return to that exact beach. Pretty neat..

León, Nicaragua

Leon is the second largest city in Nicaragua, located on the western coast. It homes about 200,000 people and 200,000 cathedrals (jk, but seriously maybe). After taking a private bus from El Tunco, El Salvador through Honduras and to León. The boarder wasn’t as crazy as everyone made it out to be, but I’m glad we didn’t have any problems because I’ve herd a few nightmares.

After being stuck on a bus for about 9 hours we were ready to go out and see the town. Full of churches, mini markets, and hamburgers, it was a cool mini city. I made the accident of sniffing glue which I found out some do for a high and some do to suppress their hunger (sigh). Anyway, Ailish went out with me, we had a few drinks, I helped a drunk 20 year old to the bathroom where she puked all down my leg, found her friends and got her a cab, sniffed glue (again accident), had a hamburger and went to bed. It was pretty much a typical night in buffalo, eh?

The following day we went volcano boarding which was pretty cool. This is where you hike up a volcano with a shit piece of wood that mimics a tobogán and slide down. It’s pretty cool, and I wish that the tour guide didn’t put fear in my eye before going or I would have gone faster. I was clocked at 36mph, but know at one point I was going faster. The fastest person was clocked was 54 which is pretty nasty.

After that we all got pretty tanked and no one remembers anything, at one point I thought it would be great to go to a rum factory and do a tour.. not a good idea when you’re hung over as shit. We pretty much learned don’t drink shit white rum all night and book a tour for the morning after. And that there’s no sugar in this rum. And buy expensive 24year old rum. (Why did I do this tour, i don’t even drink rum. #russiantripforvodka) Also, this is what I actually looked like..So the rest of the town was cute and full of giant churches that I have noting to say about so here are some cool pictures.