León, Nicaragua

Leon is the second largest city in Nicaragua, located on the western coast. It homes about 200,000 people and 200,000 cathedrals (jk, but seriously maybe). After taking a private bus from El Tunco, El Salvador through Honduras and to León. The boarder wasn’t as crazy as everyone made it out to be, but I’m glad we didn’t have any problems because I’ve herd a few nightmares.

After being stuck on a bus for about 9 hours we were ready to go out and see the town. Full of churches, mini markets, and hamburgers, it was a cool mini city. I made the accident of sniffing glue which I found out some do for a high and some do to suppress their hunger (sigh). Anyway, Ailish went out with me, we had a few drinks, I helped a drunk 20 year old to the bathroom where she puked all down my leg, found her friends and got her a cab, sniffed glue (again accident), had a hamburger and went to bed. It was pretty much a typical night in buffalo, eh?

The following day we went volcano boarding which was pretty cool. This is where you hike up a volcano with a shit piece of wood that mimics a tobogán and slide down. It’s pretty cool, and I wish that the tour guide didn’t put fear in my eye before going or I would have gone faster. I was clocked at 36mph, but know at one point I was going faster. The fastest person was clocked was 54 which is pretty nasty.

After that we all got pretty tanked and no one remembers anything, at one point I thought it would be great to go to a rum factory and do a tour.. not a good idea when you’re hung over as shit. We pretty much learned don’t drink shit white rum all night and book a tour for the morning after. And that there’s no sugar in this rum. And buy expensive 24year old rum. (Why did I do this tour, i don’t even drink rum. #russiantripforvodka) Also, this is what I actually looked like..So the rest of the town was cute and full of giant churches that I have noting to say about so here are some cool pictures.

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