San Juan Del Sur Storm

San Juan Del Sur is located about 100km (2.5 hour drive in a car) south of Granada. It’s a quaint surfer town with the most amazing beaches, surf shops, parties and most important, the locals. Upon arriving we made it up to a hostel with two of the cutest dogs, two amazing pools, and a view you could not take your eyes off. The drive was a bit longer than expected due to awful weather. A storm was coming in and we had no idea what we were in for.

The wind picked up, the power went out and here we sat luckily with some generator power for a few hours a day and a crazy shuttle man that would drive us to town at night. Town was worse off than us, having limited power, more rain and water damage, and boats being washed up into the roads. It was a heartbreaking sight to see.

Making the best of it we ventured out to a bar called Parlour where we later became locals at. The vibe was good, the drinks were better and no one could complain about having spotty WiFi and a generator that powered banger songs.

After about four/five nights the city thankfully and finally got their power back. During these nights I moved from host to hostel due to a number of different reasons; no power, leaking buildings, no electricity, no water… until finally I found where I would stay for quite some time; Casa Oro.

Though no power was one of their bigger problems, the devastation of the storm left behind much more. Boats in the street, through restaurants, sunk, missing, you name it and it happened.

Watching the locals bond together and try to save and tie up as many boats as they could during the dangerous weather made my heart melt. It’s times like this where all people need to step up and help out however they can. This little town will become home to me because of the beautiful people within in.

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